An update

I haven’t been blogging because of a number of reasons. I cannot quite decide whether I am happy or sad about it. One thing is for sure, I miss writing and giving away creative criticism on movies. So here I am making a digest entry of the time I have been missing from the blog-o-sphere.

I have not been able to average the usual number of movies I watch. Nevertheless not watching a movie is never an option. So I managed to see the Imran – Sonam starrer, I hate luv storys, Nolan’s Inception and a classic from one of the most celebrated directors of all time called Dr. Strangelove by Stanley Kubrick. The best part about these three movies is the three dimensional spectrum of movies that I have covered. I hate luv storys is the modern version of Bollywood’s romcom. Inception is a movie of its kind which is going to be the only one made on the subject. The biggest credit to this movie is the way it has enthralled the intelligence audience, the normal audience and the I-didn’t-understand-a-word audience who do not want to put up the moron face and say that they didn’t understand the movie that has made it straight to the top of the IMDB list within weeks of its release. Inception was probably the inspiration to watch works of Kubricks, Scorcesses, Langs and Fellianis. Hence Dr. Strangelove. This is another movie of its kind for the sheer wildness of its subject and attention to some intricate details at the same time making fun of the most powerful delegates of the world at that time. So in other words a couple of weeks fruitfully spent.

I heard Christopher Nolan took ten years to complete the script of Inception. It is said that he must have rewritten the story so many times that he knew exactly how not to get one hair out of place. This is one movie critically acclaimed for having no holes at all. A feat that hasn’t been possible since “Shawshank redemption”. Some critics are comparing it to Citizen Kane. The movie is worthy of every bit of its praise. It’s a concept that’ll blow minds away and a movie that will literally take you away from your mind into unexplored territories called dreams and sub consciousness. A walk in the dreams, sharing dream space and moving from one dream to another, all this seems plausible to Leonardo and his mates in what can be described as a movie that has opened Pandora’s box of inquisitive questions on this very concept.

I hate luv storys has nothing special to offer. The comedy and the plot were expected. The director’s obsession to use as many jokes from “How I met your mother” as possible did not go very well with me because they were poorly adapted to the Indian scenario and they were too glaringly noticeable. I adore Barney Stinson and therefore more care should have been taken before you take a guy from Mumbai to a strip club to get over a girl! duh! Sonam is pretty and elegant but she has the role of a nauseating romantic. Gosh! It is unbelievable that somebody like that can exist. Let me not get started on her fiancĂ©e. The movie is supposed to be fun. It is fun to an extent that you can laugh it away. But I urge the directors to build characters strongly. Imran was good but his character is a little confusing. He doesn’t seem so cool playing Casanova. It has the same fault as Karan Johar’s previous movie, Wake up Sid. It is just too long.

Dr. Strangelove, is an epic. I want to say the least about this movie because it is just stupendous for someone to just come up with this concept at the time this movie was shot. Watch it to understand how to make excellent cinema. The details are meticulously done. The actors provide stellar performances and you can relate to the characters and the subtle humor is enjoyable. The movie avoids portraying what’s obvious and doesn’t have a Hero saving the day. All credit to Kubrick who was indeed a master storyteller.

The understanding and appreciation of good cinema is my pursuit and I hope to walk some distance…


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